As much as you need! Take a look at our website before you visit. Arrive with some time to spare. We have an incredible amount of product to peruse and it can be overwhelming to take it all in. If you allow yourself time to explore on your own you’ll be better prepared to ask the questions that you need to ask and better able to discern what is and what is not for you!

If shopping to share or shopping for somebody else, consider whether a trip alone or with that somebody is best. If you’re interested in sharing your purchases with your partner, for instance, it’s a good idea to bring them along. That way you can both touch, feel, look, and contemplate the items to ensure that they are worth co-exploring.

Trust your gut. If you feel even a bit unsure, don’t buy. If you aren’t meshing with a certain toy (even though your shopping friend keeps telling you it is THE ONE) simply select something different. Be prepared to come in for a visit and NOT buy! Often it takes a visit or two to actually identify what you want to consider experimenting with. Remember, there are no returns or trades so it’s very important that you feel great about your selection process.